How to Quickly Apply for Assistive Device Subsidies?

A Concise Guide for Convenience!



Not sure how to apply for assistive device subsidies? Don't miss out!

The 900P Smartwatch, a personal satellite locator, is eligible for subsidies after purchase. Here’s a simple Q&A guide to help you understand the process!

Guider provides a simplified explanation of the process for you:

Application > Evaluation > Verification > Purchase > Subsidy

Processing time: about 35 days.


1. Assistive Device Subsidy Qualification Confirmation:

Who can apply? Where to apply?

Disability Assistance  Long-Term Care Assistance


Holders of Disability Certificates

Individuals with dementia over 50 years old

Disabled indigenous people over 55 years old

Disabled elderly individuals over 65 years old

Individuals with disabilities, both physical and mental



Call the 1957 Welfare Consultation Hotline or visit the Assistive Devices Center to get an evaluation report from a therapist. Proceed after receiving the official document.

After receiving a diagnostic certificate from a physician, call the 1966 Long-Term Care Service Hotline or apply online through the Caregiver Center. A specialist will visit your home. Once you receive the official document, proceed to the next step.

2. Purchase Assistive Devices: Personal Satellite Locator


900P Smart Watch (2-Year Warranty Edition)

  • Assisted GPS Satellite Positioning
  • Location Inquiry Service
  • Battery Standby Over 72 Hours
  • Emergency Assistance Function
  • Calling Function

*Please purchase the 900P Smart Watch "2-Year Warranty Edition" to ensure compliance with assistive device standards.


3. Submit your application for disability assistive device subsidy within six months and for long-term care assistive device subsidy within three months.


Disability Assistance Long-Term Care Assistance



1.Approval letter copy for disability assistive device subsidy reimbursement

2.Original invoice and warranty certificate copy

3.Copy of bankbook or passbook

1.Approval letter copy for long-term care services application

2.Original invoice and warranty certificate copy

3.Copy of bankbook or passbook

Submission Window Please contact the District Office / Assistive Device Center to apply for a subsidy. Please contact the caregiver specialist who visited you before and submit your subsidy application to the Caregiver Center.


How much is the amount for the assistive device subsidy?

  Disability Assistance Long-Term Care Assistance
Subsidy Amount Every two years, subsidies for four assistive devices are provided as follows:
  • Low-income households: Full subsidy
  • Middle- and low-income households: 75% subsidy
  • General households: 50% subsidy

Every three years, a subsidy of NT$40,000 is provided as follows:

  • Low-income households: Full subsidy
  • Middle- and low-income households: 90% subsidy
  • General households: 70% subsidy


Reminder for Assistive Device Subsidy Applications

Note that the disability assistive device subsidy and long-term care assistive device subsidy have different conditions and amounts, and they cannot be applied for at the same time. If eligible for both, carefully choose the more beneficial scheme. Free assessments at assistive device centers can help maximize subsidy eligibility.


Links to Various Assistive Device Centers

衛生福利部社會及家庭署多功能輔具資源整合推廣中心 基隆市輔具資源中心 臺北市輔具資源中心(西區、南區、合宜) 新北市輔具資源中心(蘆洲、新店) 桃園市北區輔具資源中心
桃園市南區輔具資源中心 新竹市輔具資源中心 新竹縣輔具資源中心 苗栗縣輔具資源中心(北區、南區) 臺中市輔具資源中心(北區、南區、海線)
彰化縣輔具資源中心(二林、田尾) 南投縣第一輔具資源中心 南投縣第二輔具資源中心 雲林縣輔助器具資源中心 嘉義市輔具資源中心
嘉義縣輔具資源中心 臺南市輔具資源中心 高雄市北區輔具資源中心 高雄市南區輔具資源中心 屏東縣輔具資源中心(北區、中區)
臺東縣政府社會處 花蓮縣輔具資源中心 宜蘭縣輔具資源中心


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